[vc_row content_width=”grid” content_aligment=”center” css=”.vc_custom_1450103100439{padding-top: 106px !important;padding-bottom: 109px !important;}”][vc_column][qodef_process_holder columns=”qodef-four-columns” type=”with_arrows”][qodef_process_item enable_small_title=”no” title_tag=”h5″ number=”1″ text=”Apply a small amount of hairfood all over the scalp and massage it in.”][qodef_process_item enable_small_title=”no” title_tag=”h5″ number=”2″ text=”It is much easier if you open lines and section your hair when applying the hairfood.”][qodef_process_item enable_small_title=”no” title_tag=”h5″ number=”3″ text=”Work your way from the scalp to the hair strands to the ends.”][qodef_process_item enable_small_title=”no” title_tag=”h5″ number=”4″ text=”The ends of the hair are the oldest and need lots of love and care, ensure that they are well moisturized in order to avoid split ends.”][/qodef_process_holder][/vc_column][/vc_row]